Monday, August 5, 2024

The August 2024 issue of Pakistan Monthly Review (PMR) is out

The August 2024 issue of Pakistan Monthly Review (PMR) is out. Link:


1. Vijay Prashad: Even in Palestine, the Birds Shall Return.
2. W B Bland: The Pakistani Revolution – I.
3. Rashed Rahman: No lessons learnt.
4. Fayyaz Baqir: My life and struggle – VI: Split in the Mother Party.
5. Mohammad Ali Talpur: The Rise of Baloch Nationalism and Resistance – XII: Reactions to the violence.
6. From the PMR Archives February 2019: From the Editor: Full circle.

Rashed Rahman

Editor, Pakistan Monthly Review (PMR) (link:

Director, Research and Publication Centre (RPC) (on Facebook)

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